Urban Panorama
The Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies Lucknow publishes a bi-annual
Journal Urban Panorama (ISSN: 09758534) with the aim to give exposure to recent
developments in the Urban sector and also provides a forum for exchange and discussion
of new ideas related to Environment issues. The journal is subscribed by institutes
and organizations working in the urban sector. It has a large circulation in all
the States, Cities and Local Bodies where the Regional Centre has its operations.
The Journal Urban Panorama brings to you all the information that helps enrich your
knowledge related to latest Urban and Environmental developments.
Urban Panorama
Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies Lucknow
Chief Editor
Dr Nishith Rai
Retained by the journal
Starting Year
Social science
Social Science (ALL)
Focus Subject
Urban Studies
English and Hindi
Publication Format
Phone No.
Email Id
Editorial Board
Chief Editor:Dr Nishith Rai,
Director RCUES Lucknow
Principal Editor:Er. A K Gupta,
Additional Director
RCUES Lucknow
Editor: Rachna Rishi,
Publication Officer,
RCUES Lucknow
- Prof. Sanjay Gupta, Dean Research and Professor of Transport Planning at School
of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
- Dr Kusum Lata, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New
- Dr. Mohit Agrawal, Dean, Department of Architecture & Planning, BBD University,
- Dr. A.K. Singh, Director, Ananya Institute for Development Research and Social Action
- Prof. Saswat Bandopadyay, Professor, CEPT University, Ahmedabad
- Dr. Indrani Chakroborty, Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Planning, Dr. A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
- Dr. Sangeeta Saxena, Professor, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow
- Dr. S.P. Singh, PIndian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal
- Dr Jai Devi Jeyaraman, Associate Professor, IITRAM, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Dr. Supriya Phurailatpam, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow
Instructions to the Authors
The editors and the publishers of this Journal welcome the submission of original
research papers and brief research reports, notes for publication on condition that
they are submitted solely to the Urban Panorama and that they will not be reprinted
or translated without the consent of the editor. Papers will be judged on the content
of their original data or interpretation and Referee’s comments.
Note For Contributors
All papers must be accompanied by an abstract and key words with the degree/diploma,
etc. of the authors along with the recognized abbreviations and the name of the
University awarding the degree/diploma in each case. Authors should also provide
the details of their current institutional affiliation.
Manuscripts: Authors should follow the style of any recent issue
of the journal for preparing their manuscript. Scripts should be typewritten, original
and first carbon copy with margins and double space on one side of the paper only.
All pages should be numbered consecutively. An abbreviated title of the paper not
exceeding thirty letters should be provided. Notes, references, tables and illustrations
should be neatly presented on separate sheets and numbered consecutively for each.
The length of the article should not normally exceed 8000 words.
Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate. Articles should be typed in A-4 size
paper, on one side only, with sufficient margin on all 4 sides. An abstract should
accompany the articles. The text, abstract, notes, references etc. should be typed
in double space. Also send a soft copy (directorrcueslko@gmail.com) or CD on MS
word. All materials submitted to Urban Panorama should be sent to the Chief Editor,
Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, Lucknow University, Lucknow.
The authors must provide an undertaking along with the article, stating that "the
article/study is my own work and has neither been published nor sent/submitted for
publication elsewhere ".
Contributors must give their affiliations, complete mailing address (both postal
and email), as well as their phone and fax numbers.
Consistency should be observed in the use of hyphen. For e.g. either 'psycho-social'
or 'psychosocial' should be used throughout the article.
Tables and Figures should be indicated by numbers (Table 1) and not location (the
Table below).
Manuscripts not accepted for publication would not be returned to the contributions
(s) unless the request for their return is accompanied by a stamped and self-addressed
Book reviews and review article will be accepted only when accompanied by one copy
of the book reviewed.
Urban Panorama prefers articles (English/Hindi) of practical value.
The Chief Editor is responsible for the selection and acceptance of articles, but
responsibility for views expressed in them rest with the author (s).
References: Quotations in the text should be short and included
within single quotes. References to literature cited should be carried within the
text; they should be given by the surname of author followed by the year of publication
and the page or section number in brackets. For example: (Majumdar 1958: 125). The
author’s name need not be included if it appears in the text in the same sentence.
A list of references cited under the caption REFERENCES should be added at the end
of the paper. It should be arranged alphabetically by the author’s surname and chronologically
for each author. Please observe the following conventions (i) book titles should
be underlined to be italicized; (ii) titles of articles, followed by the name of
journal or edited volume in which it appears in italics; (iii) if several publications
by the same author in the year are cited, a, b, c etc. should be added after the
year of publications; (iv) all reference entries should correspond with the references
in the body of the text.
Notes: Notes should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively.
Such marks, as asterisk should not be used.
Spellings and Punctuations: Spelling and punctuations, except in quotations, must
be consistent throughout the script. For this, Concise Oxford English Dictionary
should be used.
Illustrations: Illustrations must be in black and white, preferably
in the form of line drawing. Drawings should be in black India ink lettered by stencil
or letra set. Either originals or sharp glossy prints at least 12-17 cms. should
be submitted. Explanations of figures should be given on a separate sheet. Authors
will be charged the cost of blocks.
Authors are requested one soft copy of the paper in M. S. Word should be sent in
a CD along with two hard copies. These should be sent directly to the Editor at
Lucknow by Speed Post or through Courier Service.
The editor reserves the full right to adjust articles with the requirement of the
journal. The editorial board is not responsible for the opinions and statements
of contributors of the Urban Panorama.
All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced or utilized in any
form, without permission in writing from the Director, Regional Centre for Urban
and Environmental Studies, Lucknow.
Journal Policies
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SL No.
Urban Panorama
January - June, 2024
July - December, 2023
January - June, 2023
July - December, 2022
January - June, 2022
July - December, 2021
January - June, 2021
July - December, 2020
January - June, 2020
July - December, 2019
January - June, 2019
July - December, 2018
January - June, 2018
July - December, 2017
January - June, 2017
July - December, 2016
January - June, 2016
July - December, 2015
January - June, 2015
July - December, 2014
January - June, 2014
July - December, 2013
January - June, 2013
January - December, 2012
July - December, 2011
January - June, 2011
July - December, 2010
January - June, 2010
July - December, 2009
January - June, 2009
July - December, 2008
January - June, 2008
July - December, 2007
January - June, 2007
July - December, 2006
January - June, 2006
January - December, 2005
January - December, 2004
January - December, 2003
July - December, 2002
January - June, 2002