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Training Modules/ Compendiums/ Guidelines/ Manuals/ Policies.
Training Modules/ Compendiums/ Guidelines/ Manuals/ Policies
  1. Training Module on AMRUT 2.0 (hindi)
  2. Training Module on Social Audit
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Fecal Sludge & Septage Management Bye-laws for Aligarh Municipal Corporation.
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Training Module on Street Vendors Act, 2014 and SUSV component under DAY-NULM for the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, New Delhi
  2. Provided inputs on Uttar Pradesh Urban Waste Water Treatment (Recycle Reuse & Disposal) Policy – 2018
  3. Model Building Bye-Laws in in District Panchayats of Uttar Pradesh
  4. Waste Water Recycling & Reuse Policy
  5. Solid Waste Management Policy, Gramin (Rural) of Uttar Pradesh
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Integrated Orientation Training Module under AMRUT for Elected Representatives.
  2. Integrated Orientation Training Module for municipal officials of Chhattisgarh under DAY-NULM
  3. महिला समावेशी नगरीय विकास एवं लैंगिक संवेदनशील बजट पर प्रशिक्षण मॉडयूल
  4. Training Module on Inclusive Urban Planning and Gender Budget
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Orientation Training Module for Elected Representatives.
  2. Orientation Training Module for Capsule 1 under Swacch Bharat Mission
  3. Orientation Training Module for Capsule 1 under DAY NULM
  4. Training module for Technical training programme for Engineers of UPRNNS.
  5. Solid Waste Management Policy, (Urban) of Uttar Pradesh
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Orientation Module for Elected Representatives of Haryana
  2. Training Module on Financial Analysis and Structuring of Projects
  3. Training Module on Public-Private Partnership
  4. Training Module on Fecal Sludge and Septage Management
  5. Training Module on Administrative Efficiency and Urban Reforms
  6. Paper on Green and Clean City: Connecting People with Nature
  7. Training Module on Municipal Resource Mobilization in Uttar Pradesh ( Hindi) for Newly Elected Representatives of ULBs of State supported by Uttar Pradesh Nagar Palika Vittiya Sansadhan Vikas Board, Government of Uttar Pradesh
  8. Training Module on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Orientation Module for Bihar
  2. Orientation Module for Uttar Pradesh
  3. Orientation Module for Jharkhand
  4. Orientation Module for Chandigarh
  5. Training Module on Financial Management in Urban Local Bodies specific to Uttar Pradesh
  6. Training Module on Financial Management in Urban Local Bodies specific to Jharkhand
  7. Training Module on Municipal Resource Mobilization
  8. Training Module on Management of Water Supply specific to Uttar Pradesh
  9. Training Module on Management of Water Supply specific to Chandigarh
  10. Training Module on Sewerage Management specific to Uttar Pradesh
  11. Training Module on Sewerage Management specific to Chandigarh
  12. Training Module on Management of Storm Water Drainage specific to Uttar Pradesh
  13. Training Module on Management of Storm Water Drainage specific to Chandigarh
  14. Training Module on Septage Management
  15. Training Module on Project Management
  16. Training Module on Contract Management in Urban Services
  17. Training Module on Public Private Partnership or Infrastructure Development in Municipal Services
  18. Training Module on Financial Resource Mobilization, Financial Planning & Management specific to Jharkhand
  19. Training Module on Project Management specific to Jharkhand
  20. Training Module on Solid Waste Management
  21. Training Module on Tendering, Financial Planning and Resource Mobilization specific to Jharkhand
  22. Training Module on Management of Urban Transport
  23. Training Module on Administrative Efficiency and Reforms
  24. Training Module on Solid Waste Management
  25. Training Module on improving Service Delivery in Urban Services
Other Modules/Documention
  1. Uttar Pradesh State Level Action Plan to increase green cover in AMURT cities.
  2. Training Module for Community Organizers of Uttar Pradesh under DAY-NULM Orientation Training (in Hindi)
  3. Training Module on Mobilization of Municipal Resources, Property Tax, User Charges, Land Monetization & other sources of Revenue in Urban Local Bodies
  4. Training Module on Swacch Bharat Mission
  5. Training Module on Swacch Bharat Mission, Septage & Decentralized Waste Water Management
  6. Training Module on Urban Environment and Disaster Management.
  7. Background paper on Management of Urban environment
  8. नगरीय निकायों के जनप्रतिनिधियों हेतु शहरी विकास योजनाओं पर उन्मुखीकरण कार्यशाला
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Good Urban Governance for Effective Management and Delivery of Services
  2. Accrual Based Double Entry Accounting System for effective financial management in ULBs
  3. Benchmarking of Urban Services
  4. General Orientation Training Programme on Personality & Soft Skill Development
  5. Inclusive Urban Governance & Planning including Pro-poor & Gender Budgeting
  6. E-Governance Role Of ICT in Municipal Service Delivery
  7. Basic Computer Operations for Urban Functionaries
  8. Management of Solid waste in Urban Local Bodies
  9. Planning for Smart Cities- Preparation of Integrated City Development Plans, Structural Plans, Comprehensive Mobility Plan, Socio Economic & Environmental Planning
  10. Mobilization of Municipal Resources: Property Tax, User Charges, land monetization & other sources of Revenue in Urban Local Bodies
  11. Transparency in Local Governance: RTI, Public Disclosure Law & Community Participation Law
  12. E-Procurement for Urban Services
  13. PPP for infrastructure Development in Municipal Services
  14. Contract Management in Urban Services
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Urban Planning for Sustainable Development
  2. Urban Environment in India
  3. Engendering Urban Development and Gender Budgeting
  4. Engendering Urban Development and Gender Budgeting in Urban administration
  5. Inclusive Urban Planning , Pro Poor and Gender Budgeting in Urban Administration
  6. Managing Disasters in Urban Areas
  7. Role of GIS in Urban Planning
  8. Managing Urban Environment & Smart Cities
  9. Urban Infrastructure Project Development Including Urban Transportation
  10. Social Audit of Urban Development Projects
  11. Managing Disasters in Urban Areas
  12. Skill Development For Urban Poor
  13. Climate Change and Its Impact on Environment
  14. Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Management
  15. Municipal Resource Mobilization and Financial Management
  16. Good Urban Governance
  17. Right to Information, Public Disclosure Law and Community Participation Law
  18. Role of Geographical Information System in Urban Planning
  19. E-Governance: Role of ICT in Municipal Services
  20. Financial Planning, The Budget-Concepts of Pro-poor and Gender Budgeting and Gender Equity & Role of Women in Local Governance
  21. Rain Water Harvesting
  22. Urban Sanitation
  23. Solid Waste Management
  24. Community Participation
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. SJSRY / proposed National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) : An Introduction
  2. Community Mobilization and SHGs
  3. Street Vendor Policy and Legal Framework
  4. Social Sector Convergence: Convergence of SJSRY with Social Sector Schemes
  5. Monitoring of SJSRY / Proposed NULM MIS
  6. Study Reports : Administrative Structure for Implementation of SJSRY in the States of Odisha, Bihar, MP, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, West Bengal
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Managing Disasters in Urban Areas: Role of Stakeholders
  2. Care and Protection of Girl Children: Status, Emerging Issues and Way Forward
  3. Citizen Charter, RTI Act and Public Disclosure Law
  4. Improving Municipal Services through Service Level Benchmarking
  5. Ethics & Social Accountability in Urban Governance in India.
  6. A study of Municipal Finances in India (sponsored by HUDCO, Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation) - submitted
  7. Urban Informal Sector and Street vendors
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Training Module On Skill and Livelihood Development for the Urban Poor
  2. Administrative Structure for implementing UPA Programmes in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland & Arunachal Pradesh – on going
  3. Municipal Finance – BSUP FUND – (in selected states) – on going
  4. Town Planning norms for including unprivileged (in select states) – on going
  5. Taxation on Urban Land (in select states) – on going
  6. Climate Change and its Impact on natural Disaster in India
  7. Gender Budgeting in Urban Administration
  8. Role of Corporate Social Responsibility and PPP in Eradicating Urban Poverty
  9. Community Mobilization and Empowerment
  10. Convergence of Schemes in Urban Poverty Alleviation
  11. Skill Development of the Urban Poor
  12. Social Audit of Urban Development Projects
  13. Urban Street Vendors and their Rehabilitation
  14. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
  15. Urban Reforms and Sustainability
  16. Resource Mobilization and Sustainability in Urban Poverty Alleviation
  17. Conducting Social Audit of Urban Development Projects
  18. Participatory Planning in Urban Poverty Alleviation Programmes
  19. Application of ICT for Good Urban Governance
  20. Development of Inclusive Cities
  21. Planning for Slum Free Cities
  22. Hand book on Managing Disasters in India
  23. Hand book on Municipal Accounting
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. General Guidelines of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
  2. Urban Self Employment Programme (U.S.E.P.)
  3. Urban Women Self-Help Programme (U.W.S.P.)
  4. Urban Wage Employment Programme (U.W.E.P.)
  5. Urban Community Development Network (U.C.D.N.)
  6. Trift& Credit Societies and Self-help Groups (T&CSs and SHGs)
  7. Skill Training for Employment Promotion Amongst Urban Poor (STEP-UP)
  8. Programme Administration, Monitoring @ IEC
  9. Revised Guidelines for Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
  10. Developing SMART Cities
Training Modules/Compendiums/ Guidelines
  1. Financing of Urban Infrastructure & Service for the Urban Poor
  2. Planning & Effective Implementation of IHSDP
  3. Effective Implementation of SJSRY
  4. Planning & Management of Cost Effective Housing for Urban Poor
  5. Community Participation in UPA Programmes
  6. Best Practices in SJSRY
  7. Profile of NGOS
  8. Project Planning and Implementation
  9. Project Management
  10. Solid Waste Management
  11. Double Entry Accounting System
  12. e-Governance
  13. Master Plan & Zoning Regulations
  14. Slum Free and Poverty Free Cities
  15. Basic Services to Urban Poor in JNNURM Cities in U.P. : Situational Analysis and Proposed Strategies
  16. Resource Mobilisation in ULBs
  17. Cluster Approach in SJSRY: Experiences of NGOs
  18. Public Private Partnership for Provision of Services for Urban Poor
  19. Social Accountability And Social Audit
  20. Training Module On Public Private Partnership For Provision Of Services For The Urban Poor
  1. Monograph on Effective Implementation of SJSRY Guidelines
  2. Monograph on Functioning of Community Organisations under SJSRY
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
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